Efficiency of Panama´s Dry Canal Helps Relieve the Waterway’s Overload
the country’s “dry canal” has considerably alleviated the situation thanks to Panama’s main logistics forte –its narrowness between both coasts—and an excellent network of overland transportation.

CEREP carries its “First Food Conference 2023”
Last Thursday, June 8th, a triad of Panamanian business consulting firms encompassing Inteligencia Comercial (INTELCOMER), Centro Retail de Panamá, (CEREP), and the Mappin Group held the First Food Conference 2023.

World Logistics Forum starts today
During the course of the next three days, Panama City´s Hotel Sheraton will host one of the largest logistics and international trade events in Panama this year: the 7th World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms.

Panama is back in its leadership role in trade and logistics in LatAm
After a two-year hiatus, the Republic of Panama has flexed its muscles as the región´s main port of entry of goods and services from around the world, as evidenced by two major trade fairs taking place simultaneously in Panama City: Expocomer and Expo Logistica 2022

A display of strength and confidence in Panama’s Industrial and Logistics sectors As a grand display of strength and confidence in the industrial and logistics sectors of Panama, the Asociación de Distribuidores de Maquinarias de Panamá (the Association of Machinery Dealers of Panama – ADIMAQ) is currently hosting EXPO MÁQUINA 2022 the largest trade fair specialized in heavy machinery and state-of-the-art technology for the construction, logistics, maritime, mining, and agricultural sectors in Central America. The event, which started February 9 and ends on Friday the 11th, is held in its fifth version, albeit being the first at the PANAMA CONVENTION CENTER, the new and impressive complex located at Amador, on the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal. EXPO MÁQUINA 2022 has attracted over 120 exhibitors representing more than 200 name brands from around the globe. Over 5,000 persons from Panama and abroad will visit the fair before its conclusion. The fair opens from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m., and admittance is free.

Coronavirus slows down movement at Western Hemisphere seaports
A lot has been written ever since the new strain of coronavirus –the official name of which is Covid-19—became a world-wide trend between December 2019 and early January 2020. The truth is that, to date, the speed and volume of relevant information make it impossible to quantify, in a general sense, the damages caused by the outbreak to world commerce.

Memories of Expo Logística Panama 2019
The country’s largest logistics trade fair (held Dec. 10-11), allowed hundreds of businesspeople from throughout the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia to learn about the benefits of Panama’s well-developed logistics platform, besides engaging in multiple networking sessions, panels, and conferences on the changing, but fascinating 21-century international business scenario.

Panama becomes logistics hub for Latin America
The Panama National Assembly’s recent ratification of the free trade agreement (FTA) between Panama and Israel will position the Central American country as Israel’s logistics hub in Latin America, as it was recently confirmed by Israeli government representatives.

Panama’s 2022 FIATA World Congress organizing committee enters into action
The organizing committee of the 2022 FIATA World Congress in Panama is already working on the details of the event, which is considered the most important of the freight forwarding industry at the global level.

Are logistics companies prepared for IOM 2020?
he deadline is fast approaching. First announced in 2016, IMO 2020 (a mandate issued by the International Maritime

South America’s logistics industry: a survey
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) recently published the survey, “Forging opportunities to grow in the world,” an analysis of the state of the logistics industry in South America, along with a series of necessary recommendations to foster the industry which, at the regional level, presents some challenges that are somewhat difficult to overcome. The following is the summarized situation of each country except for Venezuela and the Guianas: Argentina The main challenge of this South-cone nation at the global level is its infrastructure. Argentina occupies position No. 68 among the 140 countries surveyed in this area by the 2018 World Economic Forum, behind Chile (41), México (49), and Uruguay (62). Investments in infrastructure barely represent 2.5% of the gross domestic product, and it would be necessary for the country to double this percentage during the next 15 years to close the gap. The quality of its infrastructure stock is less than expected, taking the country’s development level into account. The recipe provided by the IDB is a mixture of policies ranging from updating marketing levels to attract investment to exploring sub-sectors with high growth potential. Bolivia A large territory, low population density, and the altitude of its main cities are […]

Argentinian railroad line breaks record in cargo transport
Argentina’s plan to recuperate its railroad network is yielding results for the South American country’s cargo industry. The fact is that the Tren San Martín line has broken record in the number of tons transported, a number that has increased by 102% in four years.

Dutch maritime authorities prepare contingency plan for Brexit
Although the date for Brexit has been delayed until January 31, 2020 (amidst lengthy negotiations that often portray British Eurosceptics as indecisive as cats,) Dutch ports are pretty much ready to face the major disruptions prompted by the imminent departure of the UK from the European Union.

Trade Fair to showcase the innovative world of interlogistics
The 2020 version of the Pick & Pack Trade Fair, considered one of the most innovative international commercial rendezvous with regard to interlogistics 4.0, will take place at the Centre de Convencions Internacional (CCIB) of Barcelona, Spain, February 12-14.

Port of Cartagena declared ‘Best of the Caribbean’ for ninth time since 2005
The 400 million-dollar investment made by the Colombian port of Cartagena to adapt itself for receiving Neopanamax vessels (that are now able to transit the recently-expanded Panama Canal) is starting to yield fruit.
Recent Posts
- Efficiency of Panama´s Dry Canal Helps Relieve the Waterway’s Overload 28 de September de 2023
- CEREP carries its “First Food Conference 2023” 20 de June de 2023
- World Logistics Forum starts today 18 de October de 2022
- Panama is back in its leadership role in trade and logistics in LatAm 26 de March de 2022
- EXPO MÁQUINA 2022 11 de February de 2022
- Coronavirus slows down movement at Western Hemisphere seaports 19 de February de 2020
- Memories of Expo Logística Panama 2019 21 de January de 2020
- Panama becomes logistics hub for Latin America 8 de January de 2020
- Panama’s 2022 FIATA World Congress organizing committee enters into action 17 de December de 2019